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Upcoming Webinar Announcement: Crucial Tax Updates for 2024 Filing

As we approach the 2024 filing season, staying informed about the latest tax regulations and opportunities is crucial for CPAs.

Why You Should Attend:
This webinar is designed to ensure you’re equipped with the most current information and strategies to maximize client benefits and ensure compliance. Join us for an insightful session featuring top tax experts, including keynote speakers Connor Mitchell and [Guest CPA Speaker TBD], where you’ll gain valuable updates and practical advice. Get your pressing questions answered to enhance your advisory capabilities.

Key Learning Objectives:
– Unlocking R&D Tax Benefits: Explore the latest changes and strategies for maximizing R&D credits.
– Keynote Address by Connor Mitchell: Understand significant tax changes and their impact for 2024.
– Update on Section 174 Amortization: Learn about adjustments to amortization rules and their implications.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and provide top-notch service to your clients.



Connor Mitchell – Strategic Partnership Manager, EPSA USA
– Connor Mitchell is a seasoned tax professional with extensive expertise in Section 179D, currently serving as the CPA Partnership Manager at EPSA USA. Known for his deep understanding of tax regulations, energy-efficient tax incentives, and R&D tax credits, Connor has become a trusted advisor for clients seeking guidance on 179D deductions. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to navigate the complexities of tax codes and regulations, particularly in the realms of energy-efficient commercial building deductions and research and development incentives. His proficiency in identifying and maximizing the benefits available under Section 179D and R&D tax credits has been instrumental in helping clients optimize their tax positions, making him an invaluable asset to the EPSA team and their partners.

Guest CPA Speaker: [TBA]

Stay tuned for more details and ensure your spot at this crucial event!